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Let’s raise young talents!
di TRO Italy

Viola Incerti, a Junior Designer at Inventa TRO, won the first edition of the Elephant Prodige Award, organized by ADC Group, in the context of the Best Event Award 2019.

The Elephant Prodige Award is a competition that aims to recognize the talent and creativity of the next generation of professionals in the events world. It is aimed at young creatives up to 28 from agencies, companies, freelancers, and students.

The Bauli Group launched this year’s brief for a Live Communication project. The participants in the competition were divided into pairs to create a project capable of best demonstrating the creative idea, production plan, coherence with the values ​​of the company, media, or non-profit organization, effectiveness in creating relationships with stakeholders, methods of involving the target, and communication plan.
Applicants are given eight hours to design it and fifteen minutes to pitch it to the client brand, which selects the winning team.

Congratulation Viola!