In the ninth episode of the e20express investigation that investigates through the protagonists of the sector what is happening in the event industry in the era of the post-lockdown restart, the intervention of Antonio Magaraci, Managing Director of Inventa TRO, who explains to us what types of clients and events are back on the field, but also the role of digital and the critical issues that emerged from the realization of the first ‘safe’ events.
“Events, are we starting again?” The e20express investigation continues, intending to shed light on what is happening to the event industry in the era of the post-lockdown restart. In the ninth episode, Antonio Magaraci, Managing Director of Inventa TRO, intervenes.
“I think it is difficult to estimate a return date to in-person events, which could change – given the precedents – depending on the sectors – comments Magaraci -. However, I feel like saying that the utilities industry seems to me to be in great ferment, so there could be experiential initiatives of different types very soon. For the rest, I think it depends on the company and internal policies. On the contrary, some customers have already communicated to us that they will not be holding live events in 2021”.
As for the types of events for which the organization of events with an audience is most suitable in this particular historical moment, Magaraci has no doubts: “I believe that product launches at this moment are the moments that customers are trying to restore traditionally. Especially for their commercial value. I am referring mostly to B2B events. Furthermore, I believe that we will have to take into consideration internal engagement events, which can be put on the table to support M&A activities, or to motivate teams – employees, but also commercial partners – in the post-Covid phase”.
Is digital still the master in this phase of the health emergency in which live events have resumed? If not, what role will digital continue to have for the event industry?
“From my point of view, digital events still weigh a lot and I believe they will continue to be present in brand strategies for next year too. Today, few companies take on the responsibility of organizing live events”.
Has your company already produced (or is working on producing) in-person events? What are the main critical issues you have encountered and what could be improved in the ‘safe’ organization of an event?
“Inventa TRO is starting to organize live presences in the ho.re.ca channel. I am mainly referring to activities in bars for spirits brands. We are respecting the indicated safety protocols and the public’s responses are comforting”.
Finally, how does the end of the year look for the events industry and your company? “The drop, or rather the stop, was clear and I don’t see a general recovery in the last quarter – comments Magaraci -. Inventa TRO has resumed some live activities in the bar channel, but medium and large-scale events have all been canceled. Fortunately, Inventa TRO offers a mix of activities, which go beyond the organization of experiential events, in which we have not suffered excessive drops. I am referring to communication, digital, loyalty activities, and Pharma”.
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